Wat Klang  
 Known as:        
 Description:   Mandapa of Wat Klang
Mandapa of Wat Klang is a 10.5 x 10.5 metres square shape building. The roof of this building is slope shape as pyramidal roof with ceramic tiles. The top of this roof is truncated cone and decorate with stucco pattern that look like the Naga's crest. There are four door with the curve arch that are the inflence of western style.
There is the wall to fence this building in rectangle shape. With the gate at the middle of each side and a corridor lay to Pasak river at the north.
Inside this building, there are some mural paintings. About the Lord Buddha's chronicle in the part of the cremation after he died to nirvana. There is an important sculpture too, it's a coffin with the Lord Buddha's feet and his disciple, Kassapa.
According to the pattern and details of this building. Surmise that this building was built in local stlye which mixed with Thai traditional style and Western style. Particulary, the door's curve arch is the style that begin to popular in King Rama III's reign. And flourish extremly in King Rama IV and King Rama V's reign.
However, Wat Klang was located at Pasak riverside, the important ancient thoroughfare to the Buddha's footprint in Saraburi province. Which the concept to built the mandapa in the central part of Thailand are reproduced from the famous mandapa of Buddha's footprint in Saraburi. The Mandapa of Wat Klang was dating in Rattanakosint period that estimate in King Rama IV's reign.
 Province   Ayutthaya  Direction:      
 District   Nakhon Luang    
 City   Nakhon Luang  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Temple      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM/PM          
 Opening time   n/a          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   14.47218, 100.61956    
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