Chao Sam Phraya National Museum   -  
 Known as:  
 Description: Chao Sam Phraya National Museum is located at tum bon Pratoo Chai, Rojana Road, opposite to Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University. The museum was built by public fund from precious items found in the underground crypts of the prang (pagoda) tower of Wat Ratchaburana so this museum was named after the king who ordered the construction of Wat Ratchaburana, King Borommarachathirat II or Chao Sam Phraya.

Exhibitions are displayed in three buildings. Building One exhibits antiques in different time periods from archaeological excavations and renovations around Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province between 1956-1957: buddha images in Dvaravati, Lopburi and Ayutthaya style, for example a buddha image sits dangling his feet which is a white stone buddha image in Dvaravati style. U Thong buddha image's heads and Ayutthaya wood carvings are also displayed here.

Upstairs displays gold artifacts in two rooms. First room exhibits the ones found in the underground crypts of the prang tower of Wat Ratchaburana in 1957. Second room shows the ones found in the underground crypts of the prang tower of Wat Mahatat which contained Buddha's bones in a gold casket. Outside on the balcony there are showcases of votive tablets made of Chin, a kind of mixed  metal consists of lead and tin and bronze, and Sukhothai and Lopburi and Ayutthaya earthenwares.

Building Two exhibits ancient artifacts found in 11-24 Buddhist century i.e since Srivijaya, Dvaravati, Lopburi, Chiang Saen, Sukhothai, U Thong, Ayutthaya and Rattanakosin, for comparative studies.

Building Three is a group of central Thai traditional style houses in the center of a pool. Inside there are folk arts and ancient Thai household appliances displayed. These artifacts of Ayutthaya glorious past are academically interesting.

The museum opens on Wednesday to Sunday 9.00 a.m.-4.00 p.m. Closed on Monday and Tuesday and national holidays. Admission is 30 baht for Thai citizens and 150 baht for foreigners. Further information, Tel.035-241587

For travel guide, enter Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province downtown then go across Somdet Phra Naresuan the Great bridge then go straight through 2 traffic lights, the latter on lies near Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Court, the museum is on the right.
 Province Ayutthaya  Direction: Opposite to Rajabhat University, Rotchana Road, Tambon Pratu Chai, Amphoe Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Phra Nakhon Si 
 District A. Mueang
 City Pratuchai  Comments: Interet? (vu - batiments recents)  Official Web:  
 Genre Museum  Related links:    
 Best exposure AM-PM  
 Opening time n/a  
 Entry fee ?? GPS : 14.35090 N 100.56150 E  
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