 Known as:   Thung Phra Men    
 Description:   Sanam Luang Park - Situated at the heart of Rattanakosin Island, Sanam Luang (the Royal Field) has been in existence since the founding of Bangkok (in 1782). The area was also known as 'Thung Pra Meru' (Royal Cremation Ground), because it was originally used for royal cremations up until the reign of King Rama III, when the king decreed that all cremations be held outside the old city walls. Surrounded by famous attractions, such as the Grand Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the National Museum, National Gallery, the Supreme Court, and Ministry of Defense, Sanam Luang is a gathering ground for various activities throughout the year. Take part in the kite flying festival around March and see a plethora of colours in different shapes and sizes floating in the sky. Alternatively, have a family picnic in breezy late afternoon while watching an exciting game of sepak takraw (Asian football). You can also feed the pigeons, or even have your fortune told! In May, Sanam Luang is the ceremonial ground for The Royal Ploughing Ceremony, which marks the beginning of the new planting season. It's when the royal oxen are brought out to plough the field, and to provide an omen for the coming plantation. As the year draws to an end, people congregate at Sanam Luang to celebrate the King's birthday on December 5, Constitution Day on December 10, and to usher in the New Year. Once in four years when the national elections come around, Sanam Luang is also where intense and vociferous political campaigning takes place.

How to get there: Either take a taxi or embark the Chao Phraya Express Boat to Maharaj or Chang Pier.
 Province   Bangkok  Direction:      
 District   Khet Phra Nakhon    
 City   Khwaeng Phra Borom Maha Ratchawang  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Parks-Garden and Zoos      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM/PM          
 Opening time   n/a          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   13.75475 N 100.49328 E  
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