Khiri Than Dam  
 Address:     ตำบลปัถฐวี อำเภอมะขาม จังหวัดจันทบุรี 22150  
 Known as:        
 Description:   Kiritarn Dam is located at Chandraburi province. It was built by Energy Enhance Development department, a branch of Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment. This dam is a multi tasking dam serving as a power plant and a water reserve. The dam is also used as a fishing spot for villagers around this part. Kiritarn dam is an earth dam, 33 meters high. Its water covers the area of Huay Sapanhin area for 30 kilometers long. Average water in this reserve is about 76 million cubic meters in each year. There is also an aqueduct to the south-eastern side to Huay Tubnakorn canal which is a branch of Chandraburi River. The pressure from this aqueduct makes the water level between the dam and the canal 125 meters high. The electric generator was installed here and can generate 12,200 kilowatts of electricity which is 27 million kilowatts each year. The water that passed the generator will flow down to Chandraburi River and can be used in agricultural activities and consumption in everyday life. Furthermore, he water can also reduce salt in Chandraburi River.
The signature of this dam is that it is located at 205 meters height from average sea level. The area around the dam has lush and beautiful groves which is really great for visitors to travel and observe the beauty of nature here. Along the reserve banks are herbs and spices, such as Malva nuts (the tree of Chandraburi), and Anan herbs. When the water level recedes, visitors can set up camp around the banks of the dam and bask in nature’s beauty.
Kiritarn Dam is the main water source for agricultural activities. The dam lacks facilities for tourists and visitors, but the scenery here will make everyone fall in love with this place.
Kiritarn Dam is located at Makham district and it is 40 kilometers far from Chandraburi city. To get there, take route 317 for about 20 kilometers until you see the sign pointing to the dam direction. Turn right and then continue to the Kiritarn dam for about 14 kilometers.
 Province   Chanthaburi  Direction:      
 District   Khlung    
 City   Bo We Lu  Comments:      Official Web:    
 Genre   Nature      Related links:    
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     Coordinates:    12.743802 N 102.346322 E  
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