Laem Sadet  -  Marine Aquarium Honoring His Majesty the King’s
Diamond Jubilee Birthday
แสดงพันธุ์สัตว์น้ำเฉลิมพระเกียรติ 72 พรรษา  
 Address:     หมู๋ 4 ตำบลคลองขุด อำเภอท่าใหม่ จังหวัดจันทบุรี  22120  
 Known as:   The Sixth Cycle Birthday Anniversary Celebration Aquarium    
 Description:   The Sixth Cycle Birthday Anniversary Celebration Aquarium is located in the village number 7, Khlong Khud Sub-district, Tha Mai District, Chanthaburi Province. It is situated in the area of Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Center Project. The aquarium was built in the occasion of the king’s 72 birthday anniversary on December 5, 1999. At present, it becomes a zoological garden and a famous aquarium in Chanthaburi.
The Sixth Cycle Birthday Anniversary Celebration Aquarium exhibits the aquatic animals in 36 tanks in total, including the large tanks. Most of the aquatic animals are salt-water fish in Kung Krabaen Bay. The fish are divided into 4 groups; economic fish, ornamental fish, fish in coral reefs, and strange-looking fish.
There are 4 parts for the exhibition. The first section is on the left side of the building, mainly displaying edible fish, such as sea bass, grouper, or blacktip reef shark which is usually stir-fried in many dishes. As for the right side of the building, The main focus is on ornamental fish, such as lionfish, clownfish, diamond trevally, butterflyfish, bat catfish, etc. These types of fish are very rare. However, the most striking section to the visitors is in the large tank since it is where the visitors can see school of fish swimming back and forth, like being inside the glass tunnel under the deep sea. Apart from these three sections that display the aquatic animals, there is also the exhibition about malacology—the gem under the deep sea. This section shows a number of beautifully colorful and strange-looking shells.
Direction: From the city center of Tha Mai District, go along Tha Mai- Ban Mu Dut route, and then turn right at the Dugong roundabout, heading to Laem Sadet. The Sixth Cycle Birthday Anniversary Celebration Aquarium will appear on left side around 300 meters from Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Center.
Opening time and day: Tuesday- Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and Saturday- Sunday from 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (The aquarium opens on Monday that is the official holidays and will be closed on the Monday after that.)
Admission fee: None
 Province   Chanthaburi  Direction:   From the city center of Tha Mai District, go along Tha Mai- Ban Mu Dut route, and then turn right at the Dugong roundabout, heading to Laem Sadet. The Sixth Cycle Birthday Anniversary Celebration Aquarium will appear on left side around 300 meters from Kung Krabaen Bay Royal Development Study Center.  
 District   Tha Mai    
 City   Khlong Khut  Comments:   Closed on Mondays  Official Web:    
 Genre   Museum      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     Coordinates:    12.572864 N 101.894614 E  
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