Chao Pho Khao Yai Shrine  -  
 Known as:
 Description: Chao Pho Khao Yai Shrine is the most sacred shrine on Si Chang Island, off Chonburi shores. It was built by Chinese merchants who always sailed here to trade product. The shrine itself is actually installs in a cave situated on a northern hill on the island. This place is highly respected by both Thai and foreigners from China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong who always travel to worship here. There is annual festival that set up 45 days after Chinese New Year.


Opening hours: 8am-5pm
 Province Chonburi  Direction:
 District Ko Sichang
 City Tha Thewawong  Comments:  Official Web:  
 Genre Religion  Related links:     
 Best exposure AM/PM  
 Opening time N/A  
 Entry fee Free GPS : 13.16875 N 100.80530 E  
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