Prasat Mueang Sing Historical Park  
 Known as:        
 Description:   Explore the trace of once-flourish Khmer Kingdom at one of best known Khmer-style religious structures in Thailand. Historians estimated that Prasat Mueang  Singh, and its surrounding architectures on the bank of Kwai Noi  River, was built between 857 and 1157 as a religious temple of Khmer Kingdom. Prasat Mueang  Singh was later abandoned until the reign of King Rama I when the area of Mueang  Singh had become one of border cities of Kanchanaburi. The restoration of structures hasn’t completed until 1987, though.

The main remaining structure is Prasat Mueang Sing (Tower of the City of Lions) itself, a Khmer-style architecture with influences from Lop Buri arts. It is framed by 800 x 1,500 meters city walls. During the excavations, historians found precious artifacts, antiques, pottery and religious ornaments with more than 2,000 years of history.

Opening hours: Open daily from 8 a.m.- 4.30 p.m.

Admission: 100 baht.

Getting there: Visitors can take a train from Kanchanaburi to Tha Kilen Railway Station and continue on foot or by local transport to Prasat Mueang    Sing, which is just 1.5 kilometers away. Trains depart from Kanchanaburi Railway Station every day at 6.11 a.m. (arriving at Tha Kilen  at 7.28 a.m.), 11 p.m. (arriving at 11.59 a.m.) and 4.37 p.m. (arriving at 5.42 p.m.). To return to Kanchanaburi, trains depart from Tha Kilen  Station at 6.22 a.m., 1.51 p.m. and 4.31 p.m.
 Province   Kanchanaburi  Direction:      
 District    Sai Yok     
 City   Sing  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Historic      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   n/a          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   14.03850 N 99.245510 E  
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