Mon Bridge  -    
 Known as:        
 Description:   Speaking about “Sangkhlaburi district”, the first things that come to mind should definitely be a picture of a wooden bridge stretching across the river. The bridge is embraced by verdant mountain ranges, surrounded by plants of diverse species, and covered by a thin layer of fog. The dazzling bridge that reflects the charm of local people’s way of life is named Uttamanusorn Bridge or commonly known as Mon Bridge. Formerly, it ranked Thailand’s longest wooden bridge with the length of 850 meters and the world’s second longest wooden bridge next to U Bein Bridge in Burma. Uttamanusorn Bridge links the two banks of Songaria River at Nong Lu subdistrict, Sangkhlaburi district, Kanchanaburi province.

This bridge was built under the initiation of Luang Phor Uttama, the abbot of Wang Wiwekaram temple. The construction between the year 1986 and 1987 was completed by labours of Mon people. The bridge was considered the route of an international friendship between Thais and Mons because it links together Sangkhlaburi district to the Mon community on the other side of the bank. Additionally, it became one of the well-known tourist attractions in Kanchanaburi.

It is unfortunate that on 28 July 2013 at 18.30, the bridge fell apart into two and 30 meters from the middle collapsed into the river. After 3 days long of heavy rain, there were flash floods sweeping down logs from Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary. The collision worsened the situation as the damaged part was increased up to 70 meters by the afternoon of the next day. Therefore, a bamboo bridge has been built for temporary use, while Mon Bridge is currently under restoration.
 Province   Kanchanaburi  Direction:      
 District   Sangkhla Buri     
 City   Nong Lu  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Scenary      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   n/a          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   15.14370 N 98.449908 E  
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