Khao Wong Phrachan  -    
 Known as:        
 Description:   Khao Wongphrachan is situated in Huay Pong and Kok Samrong District in Lopburi Province. It is about 28 kilometers from Lopburi city. It is the tallest mountain in Lopburi. The name Khao Wongphrachan came from the shape of the mountain which is always circle from any point of view. Therefore, the name about the moon was given.
Wat Khao Wongphrachan is located on the foothill of this mountain. There are about 3,790 ladder steps from the temple to the top of the mountain. From the foothill to the mountain peak is about 650 meters above sea level. The ladder is 1,680 meters long. It is about 2 hours to walk from the foothill to the peak. The sideways are forest, plain, and steep areas. From the top of this mountain, you will see the landscape of the land below.
Wat Khao Wongphrachan has 9 miracle objects including a real fourth Buddha’s footprint, Buddha’s tooth,Luang Poo Fak, a 93-year-old abbot who is a vegetarian and has never had a shower throughout his life, Buddha’s bones, Billion Museum, the longest stairs on the mountain, a natural small phallic sculpture tree, a buffalo with three horns, and black ivory. The ceremony of Buddha’s footprint is held every February. Many people, especially Chinese-Thai people come to pray to the footprint. It is one of the important ceremonies held in Lopburi.
 Province   Lopburi  Direction:      
 District   Khok Samrong     
 City   Huai Pong  Comments:      Official Web:    
 Genre   Scenary      Related links:      
 Best exposure   Morning          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     Coordinates:    14.967467 N 100.702248 E  
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