Tham Lot   -    
 Known as:   Nam Lod Cave    
 Description:   Nam Lod Cave Educational Nature and Wildlife Center is located in Nam Lod subdistrict, Pang Mapha district, Mae Hong Son province, which is around 77 kilometers away from Mae Hong Son city. To go there, drive along Highway Number 1095 Pang Mapha – Pai. Around 138th-139th kilometers, turn left and drive along the route from

Pang Mapha district into Ban Thum Nam Lod route and drive around 9 kilometers. This center is another important archaeology site. At present, it is under Pai River Wildlife Sanctuary and one of the Unseen Thailand.

Nam Lod cave is the cave with the river in the middle. Tourists are suggested to take a ride on the raft to visit inside. The cave is very huge and consists of many interesting spots such as the brook called Nam Lang, which flows through Nam Lod cave and creates stalagmites and stalactites. From the evident of the ancient equipments inside the cave, it is presumed that the cave is around 2,000 years. The cave is approimately 1 kilometer long. Moreover, it is consist of other 3 rooms. The first one is Sao Hin Luang cave which is wide and has beautiful stalagmites and stalactites.

Next is Tukta cave which has the small rounded stalagmites like dolls. This is the widest and longest cave in Nam Lod cave. Tourists can see the prehistoric paintings on the cave walls. The last cave at the exit is Phi Man cave.

Apart from the attractive stalagmites and stalactites, this is a place where baked clay wares, seeds, stone equipments, human teeth, human bones and Phi Man coffin are found. Phi Man coffin is the log which was dug in the middle.

The shape looks like a boat or gutter. It is used in feeding pets. Various sizes of the small and big coffins can be seen.

The big coffins are laid on the shaft of 4 – 6poles. Each pole is drilled to insert the shaft for carrying the Phi Man coffin.

The cave is open at 8.00 – 16.00 hours. However, tourists are not allowed to visit by themselves since the cave is very dark. They should use a guide service to walk through the cave. 
 Province   Mae Hong Son  Direction:      
 District   Pang Mapha    
 City   Tham Lot  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Cave      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM/PM          
 Opening time   N/A          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   19.56763 N 98.280773 E  
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