His Majesty the King’s Golden Jubilee National Museum  
พิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งชาติ กาญจนาภิเษก  
 Known as:   National Geological Museum    
 Description:   National Geological Museum, Pathumthani is under the care of Department of Mineral Resource which is one of the 12 projects according to Art, Culture and Science Institute The objective is to build this museum in honour of the occasion of His Majesty’s 50 year occasion to the throne and to be the center of conserving reference data and important sample in geology. Thai people can study and research about geology which plays important role in human living basis and country’s development. Department of Mineral Resource built these 4-and-a-half-storey building of 140,000 sqaure meters space on 5 rais (8,00 square meters). The museum is completed in 2000. The project cost was 419.5 million baht
to process the construction and develop the national geological museum according to the objectives and goals of establishing the museum and to make it suitable as the first national geological museum in Thailand. Management and administration plans including the exhibition detail, the displays, the materials are set in order to make the museum complete. The trial opening ceremony of the national geological museum, Pathumthani was on 6 May 2011 and it has been opened since then.
Many technologies are adapted in this museum. Most rooms have censor systems which give
the narration once they detect the visitors. Dinosaur VDOs are played to give the explanations of each exhibition. The factors creation are made beautifully and amazingly such as visitors have to walk through the ore mine and the iron live tunnel just like what we see in the movie, the 3-D presentation about
the dinosaurs found in Thailand, the moving dinosaurs garden which is the most favorite place for children and the place of experimental tornado in glass jar where children can observe the circulation of the storm. 
 Province   Pathum Thani  Direction:      
 District   Khlong Luang    
 City   Khlong Ha  Comments:      Official Web:    
 Genre   Museum      Related links:      
 Best exposure   Afternoon          
 Opening time   n/a          
 Entry fee   Free     Coordinates:    14.070276 N 100.704369 E  
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