Khao Lom Muak  
 Known as:        
 Description:   Located within the Airforce base of Prachuap Khiri Khan stands the hill of Khao Lommuak wich is famous for being a preservation area for the cutest monkeys of Thailand. But monkeys are not the only point of interest of Khao Lommuak since the top of this hill will also offer you the most majestic view on Prachuap and its surroundings, if you’re ready for a bit of exercise…

Note that Khao Lommuak is only open for visitors during long week-ends (Songkhran for example). If you want to know the right dates, the best option is to call the Prachuap Tourism Office (032 513 885 or 032 513 871 or 032 513 854). During opening days you’ll find a tent at the foot of Khao Lommuak Hill where you will have to register. This can be done from 6:30 to 10:30 am.

Once you’ve registrated, your adventure will begin with a set of stairs. Climbing the stairs is quite exhausting in itself but you should know that the hardest part of the trip will begin near the top of the hill, where there are no more stairs and you’ll have to use ropes to follow a very steepy rocky trail.

That said, the climb is hard but you don’t need to be an athlete to reach the top of Khao Lommuak. If you’re not used to this kind of sport expect between 40 minutes and one hour to the top.

Here are a few advices if you plan to go up there :

Early in the morning is the best time if you don’t want to sweat too much
Bring water to drink along the way
Don’t wear flip flops
Don’t forget your camera
One last thing: You should know that Khao Lommuak is considered sacred since it’s the home of a spirit called Chaopho Khao Lommuak. At the foot of the hill stands a spirit shrine called “Sarn Chaopho Khao Lommuak” where people come to pay respect to the spirit.
 Province   Prachuap Khiri Khan  Direction:      
 District   Mueang     
 City   Ko Lak  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Religion      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM/PM          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   11.78469 N 99.815830 E  
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 Khao Lom Muak (all)  Khao Lom Muak
 Khao Lom Muak shrine  Monkey monument
 Langur monkeys  xx

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