Prasat Khao Noi Si Chomphu  
 Known as:        
 Description:   Located within the compound of Wat Khao Noi (Si Chomphu), Khlong Nam Sai Sub-district, 12 km from the Aranyaprathet District to the south. This ancient remain is on the top of Khao Noi, which is a limestone mountain, 130 m from the ground. There are 254 stair steps up to the Prasat. Otherwise, it can be accessible by car, passing Wat Khao Noi (Si Chomphu) along the 1-kilometre route around the mountain. Walk further for approximately 250 m. It is assumed that the Prasat was constructed during the 7th century and was later renovated in the 10th century. It significance lasted until the 11th century. It is believed to have been a Hindu shrine. The Prasat is made of bricks without any use of mortar. It comprises 3 brick constructions; namely, the northern Prang, the central Prang, and the southern Wihan. However, only the central one remains in quite a good condition, while only the bases of the northern and the southern ones are left. In 1935, Prasat Khao Noi was registered as a national ancient monument by the Fine Arts Department. There have been many surveys and excavations unearthing various artefacts such as those made of metal, pottery, 5 sandstone lintels, an inscription indicating the construction period of the Prasat called “Khao Noi Inscription”, and a sandstone lintel in the Sombor Prei Kuk style, aged around the 7th century. The stone inscription indicates the year 637, which is considered as the oldest inscription of the country. The artefacts from the excavations were collected and displayed at the Prachin Buri National Museum.

Opening Hours: Daily from 08.30 am. - 04.00 pm.
 Province   Sakaeo  Direction:      
 District   Aranyaprathet    
 City   Khlong Nam Sai  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Ruin      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   13.58399 N 102.52735 E  
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