Prasat Ban Noi     
 Known as:        
 Description:   Prasat Ban Noi is located at Mu 4, Phakkha Sub-district. It is a Prasat with 2 walls. The Outer Wall is an earth mound of 67 metres wide and 80 metres long. Outside the mound, it seems to have once had a surrounding moat that is at present shallow. On the other hand, the Inner Wall was constructed of laterite with a height of 2.2 metres. The sanctuary faces East with one entrance at this side, of which the gateway pavilion is 10.8 metres wide and 19.7 metres long. It is divided into 3 rooms inside: one each in the north and south, while the other is at the centre. Outside the boundary wall lays a pond in the northeast, with a width of 15.5 metres and a length of 20.5 metres. The edge of the pond was lined with laterite and constructed into staircase steps on its 4 sides. There is water remaining inside the pond.
Inside the boundary wall in the southeastern corner stands a construction made of laterite with a width of 4.5 metres and a length of 9 metres. It is a Bannalai - a library. However, the entrance gate and the western wall of the building were all ruined. At the centre inside the boundary wall is a Prang whose base was made of laterite with a height of 1 metre. On top is a brick construction, with only northern and southern walls remaining. The middle of the Prang was excavated illegally into a large hole. At the back outside the boundary wall is a pile of bricks, while at the front of the Prang is a piece of the moonstone doorstep made of laterite. It is possibly the doorstep of the entrance to the Prang.

Moreover, at the 500 metres northwest of the Prasat Ban Noi Ancient Monument, there is a mound of an ancient monument, where there are various holes illegally excavated and scattered rectangular laterite blocks.
To get there: take Highway No. 33 (Watthana Nakhon – Aranyaprathet) from Watthana Nakhon District for 10 km. At the 800 metres prior to the Phakkha Sub-district Administration Organisation, there is a direction sign on the left. Proceed for 2 km along the narrow laterite road.

Opening Hours: Daily
 Province   Sakaeo  Direction:      
 District   Watthana Nakhon     
 City   Phak Kha  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Ruin      Related links:      
 Best exposure   AM-PM          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   13.74736 N 102.39541 E  
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