Phanthai Norasing Shrine    -  
 Known as:
 Description: The PhanthaiNorasing Shrine was constructed in memory of PhanthaiNorasing,  a legendary coxswain of the Ekkachai royal barge, noted for his superlative integrity and honesty. He took responsibility for damage to the sacred figurehead of a barge he was steering when the prow hit a large tree by a river canal. It is said that PhanthaiNorasing begged the king, PhrachaoSuea, to execute him in accordance with royal family law. PhrachaoSuea complied against his own will, then ordered the construction of a temporary shrine. Phanthai’s head as well as the broken figurehead of the Ekkachai royal barge were placed in the shrine to symbolize his honesty and loyalty.
Later on, the Fine Arts Department constructed a new shrine as the original one had fallen into disrepair. Inside, there is a life-sized statue of PhanthaiNorasing in the position of steering at the stern of the barge, widely respected among the locals.

To get there, take Ekkachai Road and turn onto Highway No. 3423 (WatSahakon-PhanthaiNorasing Shrine) for 15 kilometers.
 Province Samut Sakhorn  Direction:
 District Mueang
 City Phanthai Norasing  Comments:  Official Web:  
 Genre Religion  Related links:    
 Best exposure AM/PM  
 Opening time N/A  
 Entry fee Free GPS : 13.53301 N 100.37816 E  
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