Tha Kha Floating Market   -  
 Known as:
 Description: The ThaKha Floating Market, or Talat Nam ThaKha, is a rendezvous point for vendors on boats carrying local culinary curiosities, vegetables and fruit, often homemade or home-grown. These include chilis, shallots, garlic, coconut sugar, guavas, rose apples and pomelos, which are just a few of the many uniquely Thai tastes on offer. A boat service is available for visitors who wish to explore the village and nearby fruit orchards as well.

To get there, take Highway 325 (SamutSongkhram–Bang Phae). At Km 32 (after passing a junction to WatKoKaeo), turn right for another 5 kilometers. Alternatively, take a bus from the market in town, which stops to collect passengers in front of the TMB Bank. The ThaKha–WatThepPrasit bus is available from 7.00 am-6.00 pm and leaves every 20 minutes.

 Vendors meet up on the 2nd, 7th, and 12th days of the lunar calendar’s waxing and waning moon phases. The market also operates every weekend from 6.00 am-12.00 pm. For more information, contact the ThaKha Sub-district Administration Organization at 0 3476 6208 or Uncle Charun at 0 3476 6123.
 Province Samut Songkhram  Direction:    
 District Amphawa
 City Tha Kha  Comments:  Official Web:  
 Genre Local life  Related links:    
 Best exposure AM/PM  
 Opening time N/A  
 Entry fee Free GPS : 13.47195 N 99.995319 E  
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