Phra Tamnak Than Kasem     -    
 Known as:        
 Description:   Located in Khunkhlon sub-district, between Bangkok Bank, Phraphutthabat branch and Saraburi Home for Girls, on the bank of Than Thongdaeng, a canal which passes the area of Phra Phuttabat. The King Prasat Thong was so pleased at this area that he built a residence in 1633 during his reign for his royal visit to pay respect to Phra Phuttabat. Today, only foundation is left.
Than Thongdaeng canal originates from Khao Than Thongdaeng mountain in Phra Phutthabat district and flows towards Nong Don district. The second annals, royal autograph edition, stated that the King Prasat Thong built the residence on the bank of the canal. A 3-way water pipe joint was found near the bank of the canal and today it is kept in the Phra Phutthabat museum. The 20cm. diameter water pipe joint found is like water pipe joint used nowadays, but it is much bigger in size and made of bronze. Ruins of drainage way made of plaster work in Ayutthaya era were also found in the area of Phra Thamnak Thai Phikun. Today, the canal and the line of drainageway can still be seen but the canal is very shallow.
 Province   Saraburi  Direction:      
 District   Phra Phutthabat    
 City   Than Kasem     Comments:      Official Web:    
 Genre   Historic      Related links:    
 Best exposure   na          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     Coordinates:    14.729901 N 100.793102 E  
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