Wat Hua Khao   -    
 Known as:        
 Description:   Wathuakao or Hua Kao temple locates at moo 2, Hua Kao distinct, Derm Bang Nang Buach District, in Supanburi province. The temple locates far from the main part of the province about 60 kilometers. If you prefer to visit the temple, you can drive car through Derm Bang Nang Buach District and drive along highway number 3350 until the second or third kilometer, then you will arrive Hua Kao temple and you can see concrete stairs 212 steps.

One of the monks in Hua Kao temple that many Thai people respect and worship is "Father Eim (Laung Por Eim)". He severed in Buddha's teaching and rule of discipline a lot. Actually, he was a monk on pilgrimage from other place, and came to pray at the area of Bann Hua Kao, amphur Derm Bang Nang Buach, where normally this area was a dense jungle.

Father Eim observed that this area was peaceful and pleasant, which suite to build a temple. Then there was an appearance of "Hua Kao temple". He was the first abbot of the temple. Later, he travelled to study with many Luang Poo and Luang Por, which everyone was very appreciated. After he finished his study, he came back to Hua Kao temple for Buddhist Lent. During that time, he developed the temple until Hua Kao temple was one of the flourish temples on that time. Father Eim got many students and he also created many amulet items such as, ancient tiny rolled metal amulet inscribed with magic word, mystic symbol, ancient coins, bronze statues (Nang-kwach), rings etc. His amulets were well known in supporting of wealth, attractiveness, business, and long life.

For people who are interested in visiting the temple, the temple open daily from 8:00 – 17:00. In additional, every year, the temple has the Buddhist traditional, which is the harmony that Thai people come to make merit together after the Buddhist Lent period ended. The harmony will start after the Buddhist Lent season ended for one day, when is the second night of waning moon and eleventh month. If you come visit on that time, there will be a lot of people, which cause a vigorous environment..
 Province   Suphan Buri  Direction:      
 District   Doem Bang Nang Buat    
 City   Hua Khao  Comments:    Official Web:    
 Genre   Tempe      Related links:    
 Best exposure   AM/PM          
 Opening time   na          
 Entry fee   Free     GPS :   14.84307 N 100.04897 E  
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